
Chair of Governors

22 May 2024

Dear Parent,

Chair of Governors

At our Annual General Meeting yesterday, James Gittens, our current Chair of Governors retired from office after four successful years of leading the Board and 14 years of service as a Governor of the school. We are delighted to announce that Mrs Charlie Ashley was appointed as the new Chair and the Board also elected two new Governors to support our Educational Committee and Early Years Department.

Mrs Ashley has been a Governor at the school for four years and has two sons who both attended West House. She moved to Birmingham in 2010 and joined King Edward’s School as Director of Finance before taking on the job of Bursar of both King Edward’s School and King Edward’s VI High School for Girls. During her time at KES, she also qualified as an ISI Compliance Inspector.

Charlie brings a wealth of financial experience with her as well as knowledge of the Independent Sector. She is committed to ensuring that West House continues to offer a breadth of education in which sport, music and the expressive arts thrive, while providing a rigorous academic experience consistent with the demands of the educational system of Birmingham.

As we welcome Charlie, we would also like to thank James for his service and commitment to West House. James became Chair in January 2020 and steered our school through the challenges of COVID with great skill, ensuring continuity of high class education and providing a huge source of support for the Headmaster.

Although stepping down as Chair, James will continue to serve on the Governing Body for the immediate future before focussing his attention on the West House Old Boys’ Association.

The Headmaster and I look forward to working with Charlie who, in turn, is keen to meet parents and pupils as she grows into her pivotal role within the school.

Yours sincerely,

Jo Robinson
Clerk to Governors