Scholarships and Awards

West House School is committed to making access to the educational provision as broad as possible in line with the school’s obligation to provide public benefit.

A number of awards are available, and the school also recognises the value in acknowledging and supporting the development of the gifts and talents of its pupils, where these are of a significant level.

Michael Pratt Memorial Fund

The Michael Pratt Memorial Fund was established in 2013. Michael Pratt attended West House until 1946, before joining Malvern College. He was appointed to the Board of Governors of West House in 1968 and held the position of Chairman between 1975 and 2000. He was founder member of the West House Old Boys’ Association and a familiar face around school until his death in June 2011.

Michael’s wish was that a fund be established in his memory with two specific aims. Primarily, he wanted pupils not currently at the school to benefit from the education provided, and particularly those whose families would otherwise not be in a position to pay full fees. He also wanted those senior boys who demonstrate particular gifts and talents to be recognised and rewarded.

The fund is supported by West House Old Boys’ Association, the Pratt family and the school. It is used to support boys through the awarding of Michael Pratt Scholarships and Michael Pratt Awards.

Michael Pratt Scholarships

Michael Pratt Scholarships are made available to external pupils entering the school in the Preparatory Department (Years 3 to 6). The scholarships take the form of assisted places offered on the basis of academic performance in accordance with the specific wishes of Michael Pratt. Upon receiving registrations from parents of prospective pupils, those who wish their son to be considered for a Michael Pratt Scholarship are invited to complete the application document. This document requires the parents to disclose, in confidence, details of their financial circumstances, along with supporting evidence.

The prospective pupil is assessed in Maths, English and Verbal Reasoning in line with the school’s admissions policy. Should his performance in the assessments demonstrate significant academic ability, he is invited to attend an interview. Scholarship interviews may also be arranged for those prospective pupils who demonstrate particular gifts or talents in other areas of the wider school curriculum.

Where a scholarship is to be offered, parents are informed in writing within two weeks of the initial assessment.

Michael Pratt Awards

Michael Pratt Awards are made available to existing pupils within the Preparatory Department (Years 3 to 6) who demonstrate a significant ability or talent within a specific area of the curriculum. Typically, an award might be made for music, sport, academics, art or drama and take the form of funding for additional specialist teaching in that area, either within or outside school.

While the school generally makes the offer of such awards based on performance over a period of time, parents are welcome to make an application on behalf of their son. Such applications should be made in writing to the Headmaster.

Stephen Lloyd Music Awards

One of four brothers to attend West House School, Stephen Lloyd returned to Chair the Board of Governors for 21 years until 1968. He was also the first President of the West House Old Boys’ Association and, having chaired the CBSO Management Committee for 18 years, left a generous endowment to the school to support the development of music.

Stephen Lloyd Music Awards are offered to both existing and prospective pupils who demonstrate particular aptitude. Such awards generally take the form of funding for additional specialist music teaching to be undertaken within school.

Should parents wish their son to be considered for a Stephen Lloyd Music Award, they should apply in writing to the Headmaster.

Means Tested Bursaries

Means tested bursaries, supported by the school and the Trustees of the Lillie C Johnson Charitable Trust, are available to parents of existing and prospective pupils upon application. Applications should be submitted by March during the academic year preceding that for which the bursary is requested and are subject to an annual review. Further details and application forms are available from the School Bursary.