Policy on Pupil Exclusion

General Principles

Under certain circumstances, a pupil may be excluded either for a fixed-term or permanently as a result of serious misdemeanours. The decision to exclude a pupil will be taken if:

  • The pupil has failed to respond to the support measures and sanctions contained within the Policy on Pupil Behaviour (i.e. has reached a Level 4 – ‘fixed term exclusion’).
  • The pupil has failed to respond to the support measures and sanctions contained within the Policy on Pupil Behaviour (i.e. has reached a Level 5 – ‘permanent exclusion’).
  • The pupil has failed to respond to the support measures and sanctions contained within the Anti-Bullying Policy (i.e. has reached a Level 3 – ‘fixed term exclusion’).
  • The pupil has failed to respond to the support measures and sanctions contained within the Anti-Bullying Policy (i.e. has reached a Level 4 – permanent exclusion’).
  • The pupil has been involved in a serious breach of the school’s Policy on Pupil Behaviour and the West House Way Code of Conduct or the Anti-Bullying Policy.
  • Allowing the pupil to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of either the pupil or others in the school.

Exclusion is an extreme sanction and can only be administered by the Headmaster (or in his absence, the Deputy Head or the Head of EYFS).

The list of offences for which either fixed-term or permanent exclusion will be considered includes, but is not limited to:

  • Violent behaviour – serious actual or threatened violence against another pupil or a member of staff.
  • Persistent and defiant misbehaviour including bullying, racist or homophobic bullying, where a pupil has not responded to the measures implemented as a result of the Policy on Pupil Behaviour.
  • Theft
  • Involvement in smoking, drugs or alcohol consumption.
  • Damage to property.
  • Interfering with any safety equipment (fire safety etc.).
  • Carrying an offensive weapon (this may require the school to inform the Police because a criminal act may have taken place).
  • Any other activity generally considered illegal in the adult world.

Factors taken into account in arriving at a decision as to whether to exclude on fixed-term or permanent basis include, but are not limited to:

  • The pupil’s previous record of behaviour.
  • The honesty of the pupil in admitting the offence.
  • The degree of remorse shown by the pupil/acceptance that he was in the wrong.
  • The extent to which the offence had an impact on other pupils.


General factors the School considers before making a decision to exclude

Before deciding whether to exclude a pupil, either permanently or for a fixed-term, the school will consider the following points:

  • That an appropriate investigation has been carried out and recorded.
  • That all the evidence has taken into account school policies on Equal Opportunities and Disability and Discrimination.
  • That the pupil has been allowed to give his version of events.
  • Whether the incident had been provoked, for example as a result of bullying, racial or sexual harassment.

If the Headmaster is satisfied that, on the balance of probability, the pupil did what he is alleged to have done, exclusion will be the outcome.  In reaching a decision, the Headmaster will always look at each case on its own merits.  Therefore, fixing a standard penalty for a particular action is both unfair and inappropriate.


Parental Co-operation

The Headmaster will contact the parents by telephone.  The parents/carer of a pupil will be informed of:

  • The reason for the exclusion.
  • The period of the exclusion.
  • The arrangements for the start of exclusion.

These details will also be communicated in writing to the parents.

Parental co-operation forms part of the contract between the school and the parents of pupils at the school.  A refusal to abide by the terms of an exclusion may be considered a breach of contract.


Fixed-Term Exclusions and the Policy on Pupil Behaviour/Anti-Bullying Policy

In line with the Policy on Pupil Behaviour and the Anti-Bullying Policy, a fixed-term exclusion brings with it a final warning, which is communicated in writing to the parents of the pupil concerned.  A further episode of significant disruptive, aggressive or negative behaviour will result in a permanent exclusion.  This decision will be taken at the sole discretion of the Headmaster, once all evidence has been considered.


Withdrawal by the Parent

Under certain circumstances, through discussion with the parents, a compromise may be agreed whereby the parents choose to withdraw their child from the school.



Parents are entitled to appeal to the Board of Governors against any exclusion, be it for a fixed-term or permanently.  A letter stating the intention to appeal should be sent to the Secretary to the Board of Governors at the school.  A review panel will be set up as quickly as possible comprising the Chairman of the Governors and at least one other member of the Board.

The panel will carry out a full and thorough review of the evidence leading to the exclusion, as well as any subsequent submissions forwarded (via the Secretary to the Board of Governors) by the parents in mitigation. However, the panel’s sole remit will be to establish whether or not the School has acted in accordance with its policies and procedures. The decision of the panel is final.

This policy should be read alongside the following policies:

  • The Equal Opportunities Policy
  • The Disability and Discrimination Policy
  • The Policy on Pupil Behaviour
  • The Anti-Bullying Policy
  • The Complaints Policy


Monitoring and Review

The Headmaster will carry out an annual review of this policy in liaison with members of staff.




Implemented:    September 2007

Date:                   September 2022

Review Date:     September 2023